Help celebrate with us by buying a button to receive a discount when seeing multiple shows!
Pittsburgh Fringe buttons get you a $3 off discount on all shows! Just purchase a button online. If you buy your tickets online, and finish checking out, you can log in with the SAME login account, and the system will recognize that you are now eligible to receive the $3 discount per button you previously purchased. (You must have finished checking out, and completed the transaction for the buttons for the system to recognize you in the next transaction as a button holder. Then in the next transaction, the system will credit your button discount(s) when you buy tickets in subsequent transactions.)
Or present the physical button at the box office to receive the $3 discount at the door.
Just two shows, and you will have saved money, AND still have a momento from your time at the Pittsburgh Fringe! ALSO – SPECIAL AMAZING DEAL THIS YEAR – get $20 off each ticket (per button) at our special fundraising show – Josephine! You’re practically making money!
One button per ticket per show, aka one button per person. You need to buy the button(s) in one transaction, then go back and buy the tickets with the same login account. Then the system should remember how many buttons you bought, and give you that number of discounts per show!
FAQs (Please read before emailing us!):
How can I pick up my button in person?
After purchasing your button online, go to our main box office (the International Children’s Art Gallery – 5020 Penn Ave) to pick up your button before your first show. You will need to show confirmation of your online button purchase (paper or phone version) to receive your button.
How do I use my button to purchase tickets online?
When you purchase a Pittsburgh Fringe button online, your button becomes associated with your name and email address in our ticketing system. So, make sure to use the same name and email to receive your discount when you make future online ticket purchases. You must finish purchasing the button, then go back and buy the show tickets for the discount. It will know if you have 1 or 2 buttons and credit you for up to that many tickets, but finish buying the buttons before trying to buy the tickets.
How do I use my button to purchase tickets in-person?
When purchasing tickets at the door OR at our main box office in-person, you need to have the physical button with you to show the venue manager at the door each time. (See above question about how to pick up your physical button!)
Buy a button! Support the Fringe! BINGE ON THE FRINGE!! 😀