Eva wanders aimless through life until a mysterious troupe of players offers her an alternative, sending her in search of true Adventure. Suddenly she is whirling through forgotten scenes of Shakespeare’s plays: stumbling through the Capulet gardens before a big ball, escorting disguised travellers through the forest of Arden, dodging celebrity-obsessed fairies and batty Danish princes, battling murderous witches and Bohemian bears, plunging into a war with a shipwrecked sorcerer. Will Eva discover more to life than scrolling through videos and avoiding awkward conversations? It’s Shakespeare meets Pippin – with swords, knives, and Cupid’s arrows.
Brawling Bard Theater
About the Artist(s):
Brawling Bard Theater was born in 2013 to present at the very first Pittsburgh Fringe, where we won the Audience Choice award, which inspired us to continue to work together as a company. We are a troupe of actors, magicians, storytellers, side-show performers, stage combat participants, writers and directors. Along the way we have developed a style of performing that emphasizes direct address to, and interaction with the audience, along with physical comedy and fight work, and, most importantly, a sense of fun.
"Shakespeare's Guide to Adventure" features Andy Cole, Alan Irvine, Dylan Mahaffey, Alex Mykita, Michael Mykita, Anne Rematt, and Eva Scandrett.
Artist(s) have also performed at the following Fringes:
Pittsburgh Fringe
Rochester Fringe
Frigid NY Too Many Shakespeares